Administrative Policies


Additional Officer Responsibilities


NASSCED Board Planning Meeting

  • Organize and provide an Information Folder or Binder for all Board members attending the meeting.
  • Determine a meeting agenda and timeline.
  • E-mail agenda and timeline to all Board members.
  • Work with the Treasurer on a proposed budget.
  • E-mail minutes of the NASSCED Board Planning Meeting to the membership.

NASSCED Resource Sharing at various Regional or National Conferences

  • Provide Information Folder, if needed, for all members attending.
  • Determine agenda and timeline for NASSCED Resource Sharing.
  • E-mail agenda and timeline for Resource Sharing to NASSCED members.
  • Work with conference host(s) to arrange location(s) for Resource Sharing (if appropriate).

NASSCED Annual Meeting

  • Organize and provide an Information Folder or Binder and name tags for all members attending the meeting.
  • Determine a meeting agenda and timeline.
  • E-mail the meeting agenda and timeline to NASSCED members.
  • Work with the host and arrange all meeting needs.
  • Arrange for Board lunch and/or dinner, based on when the Board meets.
  • Coordinate with Meeting host to arrange the membership dinner.
  • E-mail minutes of the Annual Meeting to the membership.

Vice President

  • Work closely with and advise the President in the planning of and preparation for the Board Planning Meeting, NASSCED Resource Sharing at various Regional or National Conferences, and the Annual Meeting.


  • Provide a financial report at the Annual Meeting and Board Planning Meeting.
  • Prepare a working budget draft for the Board of Directors prior to each fiscal year.
  • Write all checks for the organization.
  • Regularly update the membership on status of paid memberships and registration for the Annual Meeting.
  • Help the President and Vice President organize and facilitate all NASSCED meetings.


  • Maintain the NASSCED website, procure server hosting for the website, and maintain current domain name registration.
  • Work with the Treasurer to provide online registration for annual NASSCED Membership and Annual Meeting Registration.
  • Work with the President to distribute information as he/she needs to the membership.
  • Maintain a current e-mail address database and distribution lists for all NASSCED members.
  • Communicate with the general membership through e-mail, the web site, and social media.

Originally passed: June 2002
Revisions: February 2015, December 2016, February 2020

Arrangement of Annual Winter Meeting

Site Selection of Annual Meeting

  1. Site proposals must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by June 1 of the year that is TWO calendar years prior to the meeting date. For example, a proposal to host the 2027 Annual Meeting must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
  2. Site proposals must include information about the per night room rate for each type of room (for example, single king or double queen) in the conference room block and should also contain rates for meeting room rentals and other facility related expenses. Proposals may contain rates from multiple hotels for comparison purposes, but a single hotel will be chosen to handle all arrangements for the Annual Meeting.
  3. Site proposals must include information about and the cost of airport shuttles, taxis, or other transportation between the airport and hotel as part of the bid.
  4. Site proposals should include information about area attractions that may be of interest to members, especially those which may be utilized within the conference program.
  5. The Board of Directors will review all proposals submitted according to the timeline specified above prior to the Annual Meeting that follows, and will make a final recommendation to the membership for approval at that meeting.
  6. The membership shall vote on the recommendation of the Board of Directors at that Annual Meeting, which will be TWO years in advance of the meeting for which the site proposal is intended.

Geographic Rotation for Annual Meeting

View regional map

  1. Bids for hosting the Annual Meeting will be accepted on a four-year rotation based on the following geographic regions: Eastern, Southern, Central, Western.
  2. For the purposes of this rotation, the following 13 states (and DC) will be defined as Eastern: CT, DE, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV*
  3. For the purposes of this rotation, the following 11 states will be defined as Southern: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX
  4. For the purposes of this rotation, the following 13 states will be defined as Central: IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI
  5. For the purposes of this rotation, the following 13 states will be defined as Western: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY
  6. If a state from the Eastern region as defined above is selected to host in 2026,  then the rotation shall be as follows:  2026 Eastern, 2027 Western, 2028 Southern, 2029 Central (*with a waiver to allow WV to apply), with the cycle to begin again in 2029.
  7. If no state from the designated region applies by the indicated deadline in Section A, the Board of Directors may seek bids from outside that region.  If a bid from outside the designated region is accepted the rotation as specified above will not be changed.

Registration Fee & Program Schedule

  1. A registration fee for the Annual Meeting will be determined by the Board of Directors to cover expenses and defray anticipated costs.
  2. A contribution toward the Annual Meeting has traditionally been provided by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).
  3. The Board of Directors shall determine the program schedule and membership meeting agenda for the Annual Meeting.

Guidelines for Arrangements

  1. The host will secure a hotel package for two nights of the selected meeting dates with an available back-up hotel. The dates are typically the Thursday and Friday of the week after Thanksgiving.
  2. The hotel should be centrally located with easy access to dining and shopping facilities.  The host may NOT sign any hotel contract until the NASSCED President or Treasurer has signed off on arrangements with the hotel.
  3. The host will arrange with the hotel for early arrival of the Board of Directors, whose members will typically arrive on the Tuesday night and Wednesday morning prior to the Annual Meeting.  The Board of Directors will take care of the arrangement and expense for its own meals, but would appreciate assistance from the host in recommendations for dining convenient to the hotel.
  4. The host will arrange with the hotel for a meeting room to accommodate the Board of Directors from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Annual Meeting (typically Wednesday).  Breakout rooms should not be needed for this day.
  5. The host will arrange with the hotel for a registration area with two 6 to 8-foot tables and four chairs on the morning of the first day of the Annual Meeting (typically Thursday) from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.  Preferably, the registration area will be near the large group meeting room. The Board of Directors will handle all registration of NASSCED members, and also provide name badges and packet information.
  6. The host will arrange a meeting room for the membership of NASSCED on the first day of the Annual Meeting (typically Thursday) from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  The room space should accommodate 70 to 80 people and contain 10 to 12 round tables. This room should lend itself to icebreaker activities as well as a speaker; a microphone and podium should be provided and the host may be asked to provide special multimedia equipment as needed by presenters.  Breakout rooms may or may not be needed for the first day of the Annual Meeting, depending on the program.
  7. The host should arrange with the hotel for a luncheon at approximately 12:00 p.m. on the first day of the Annual Meeting.
  8. The host should locate an enjoyable place for dinner on the evening of the first day of the Annual Meeting (typically Thursday) for the entire membership of approximately 70 to 80 at approximately 7:00 p.m.  At this dinner the NASSCED President should be afforded a few minutes for remarks.
  9. The host should arrange with the hotel for a meeting room for the second day of the Annual Meeting (typically Friday) from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Breakout rooms are likely to be needed for the second day of the Annual Meeting, depending on the program.

Arrangements for the NA4SA National Conference on Student Activities

  1. Arrangements for the National Conference on Student Activities are made with and approved by the National Association for Student Activities (NA4SA), which is a separate and distinct organization from NASSCED.
  2. We affirm that there is a mutual interest on the part of both organizations to have members of NASSCED actively participate in the NA4SA National Conference on Student Activities and members of NA4SA participate in certain aspects of the NASSCED Annual Meeting, such as a Speakers’ Showcase.
  3. Therefore, a potential host of the Annual Meeting is strongly encouraged to also submit a proposal to the Executive Director of NA4SA to host the National Conference on Student Activities.  Upon receipt of a proposal or written intent to submit a proposal, the Executive Director of NA4SA will be contacted so that he or she can follow up with the potential host.  However, such an accompanying proposal is not required by nor under the policy domain of the NASSCED Board of Directors.  In any case, the timelines as outlined in Section A of this policy will be adhered to regarding site selection of the NASSCED Annual Meeting.
  4. It is in the interest of both NASSCED and NA4SA as well as their respective members – and therefore strongly advised – that a potential host for both the NASSCED Annual Meeting and the NA4SA National Conference on Student Activities use the same hotel for both events.  However, there should be two distinct hotel contracts for these events; any aspect of the hotel contract for the NA4SA National Conference on Student Activities that impacts the hotel contract for the NASSCED Annual Meeting must be immediately brought to the attention of the NASSCED President or Treasurer.

Association Shirts & Clothing Items

NASSCED is an organization of individuals and not of associations.

Whenever the NASSCED Board or Membership decides to provide or offer for sale a shirt or other clothing item with the association name and/or logo on it, the shirts will be provided or offered for sale, at a cost to be determined by the NASSCED Board, only to those Executive Directors who have individually paid dues for current membership in NASSCED.

Originally passed: June 1989
Revisions: December 2019

Board Member Responsibilities

NASSCED Meetings

Board Members are expected to attend all meetings; each Board Member is responsible for arranging his or her own transportation to these meetings.

  • Annual Meeting & Board Meeting.  Traditionally the annual meeting has been held the first Thursday and Friday in December.  The board will meet on Wednesday the day before the Annual Meeting. 
  • Board Planning Meeting.  This could be February, March or April at a time and location determined by the board (usually determined at the annual meeting on Friday morning).  One Board Member generally offers to host the meeting.
    • The hosting Board Member is responsible for finding a hotel and making reservations for the group.  The hotel should include a meeting room and lunch. 
    • The hosting Board Member is also responsible for finding a place where the board can have dinner on Friday and Saturday evening. 
  • Each Board member usually brings a small gift from their state for their fellow Board members.                                                           


  • You will be given a specific responsibility; Board Members are encouraged to select one that they care about and that will utilize their talents.  Board Members should be sure to follow through with any tasks requested.
  • Read all documents sent before each meeting and respond to all e-mails/texts. 
  • After any meetings, Board Members are responsible for giving a review to absent members and also responsible for contacting their Region after the Board meeting to keep them informed.    

Fiscal Responsibilities

  • Annual Meeting & Board Meeting.  Each individual Board Member (or their State Association) is responsible for paying for transportation to this meeting.  Board members are also responsible for lodging and some meals ($600 to $2000+). 
  • Board Planning Meeting.  Each Board member is responsible for the first $350 of transportation costs.  Board Members that choose to bring small gifts for their fellow board members can expect to spend from $10 to $50+.  At the board dinner, Board Members will pay for their own alcoholic beverages, if they choose to order them.  NASSCED will pay for two nights stay at the hotel where the meeting is located (usually Friday and Saturday).
  • If a Board Member does not have an NASSCED polo/shirt/jacket, they may purchase one at their own expense ($20 – $60).

Originally passed: February 2020

Code of Ethics

The NASSCED Code of Ethics presented below was approved by the Board and Membership in June 2019.

The National Association of State Student Council Executive Directors (NASSCED) is dedicated to building and supporting strong state Student Council Associations through the professional development of its members. 

Our Mission 

NASSCED is an association of individuals from across the United States who work with their respective state student council associations to further leadership development among middle and high school students.  Working together with student council advisers throughout the nation as well as like-minded organizations, our members strive to provide outstanding leadership experiences at the local, state, and national level to thousands of student leaders. 

Concern for the well-being of students is the hallmark of our association.

Our Code of Ethics

As State Student Council Executive Directors, we recognize that our professional conduct must conform to an ethical code of behavior, that we are in the education arena, and that all those in education must set and meet high standards.  This responsibility requires NASSCED members to maintain standards of exemplary professional conduct and recognize that our actions will be viewed and appraised by our state members and by students.

To these ends, NASSCED members subscribe to the following statements of standards:

  • Respect for those with whom we work and serve.
  • Integrity in our actions.
  • Responsibility for our decisions and their consequences.

We are committed to:

  • Making the education and well-being of students the fundamental basis of all decisions;
  • Supporting the principle of due process and protecting the civil and human rights of all individuals;
  • Following our individual local, state, and national laws;
  • Meeting the guidelines in our individual state educator code of ethics and conduct;
  • Acting honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings;
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest;
  • Appropriately handling actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships;
  • Treating every individual with fairness, dignity and respect;
  • Being good citizens and complying with both the spirit and the letter of the law;
  • Acting responsibly toward the members with whom we work and for the benefit of the states that we serve;
  • Being responsible, transparent and accountable for all of our actions;
  • Improving the accountability, transparency, ethical conduct and effectiveness of the student council world; and
  • Recognizing that we as a body are responsible to report to national and state associations if our members violate local, state, or national laws and/or statutes. 

Conflict of Interest Policies

NASSCED recognizes that its board members and general membership have broad interests and participate in many school, community, charitable and business activities.

NASSCED understands a conflict of interest needs to be recognized and disclosed, and appropriate steps are required to prevent influence or favoritism by a board member or general member in the NASSCED decision making process. To that end, board members will annually complete a conflict of interest disclosure statement. 


  1. Annual membership dues shall be set by the NASSCED Board for the following membership year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.
  2. A late fee will be assessed to dues paid after January 1.  The amount of this late fee shall be set by the NASSCED Board at the same time annual membership dues are set.
  3. Statements shall be issued by the Treasurer prior to the beginning of the fiscal year which runs July 1 to June 30.
  4. Fifty-one percent of the voting membership constitutes a quorum.
  5. An outgoing Executive Director may transfer his or her membership to an incoming Executive Director of the same state, for the remainder of that membership year, at which time the outgoing Executive Director will no longer be a member of the Association.

Originally passed: June 1989
Revision: October 2021

Outside Presenters at NASSCED Meetings

When someone other than a member wishes to be placed on the agenda for a NASSCED Meeting, the following guidelines must be met:

  1. The presenter may speak one time only.
  2. The presenter must be recommended by a member of NASSCED.
  3. Handouts may be distributed, subject to review by and approval of the President or his/her designate.
  4. Presentations should be for a reasonable length that complements and does not interfere with the overall agenda.
  5. Unless the NASSCED Board decides otherwise, topics are limited to information about curricular materials, prospective speakers, or requests for participation in joint projects relative to student council issues or projects.
  6. A state’s participation in joint project efforts will be voluntary and may be limited at the discretion of the state executive director.

Originally passed: June 1989
Revision: December 2019

Regional Selection of Board Members

Section A: Board of Directors

The affairs of the association shall be governed by a Board of Directors whose voting members are elected by regions at the annual Winter Meeting of the association.

The regions of this association shall be defined as follows:

Eastern: CT, DE, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV*

Southern: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX

Central: IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI

Western: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WI

Each region will have two representatives serving from different states.  Region representatives elected to the Board of Directors shall serve a term of two years and only be allowed to serve two consecutive terms. A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by special election to complete an unexpired term as soon as possible by vote of the members in the region with the vacancy.

Section B: Officers

Following the regional elections the Board of Directors shall, by majority vote, elect a President, Vice President, and Secretary from among the region representatives.  The office of President will not also serve as a region representative. Therefore, the region of the newly elected President will hold a special election to fill that region position.  The President will serve for 4 years; 3 years as the acting president and one year as Past-President. Once the president is elected, the region represented will elect a new region rep. The president will serve a three year term and one year as past president.

The Board of Directors will use an application process to select and appoint a Treasurer and Webmaster for the organization. These positions will be ex-officio non-voting members of the Board of Directors, and do not have to be members of NASSCED. Treasurer and Webmaster may not serve as Region Reps.  Selection will be based on a candidate’s qualifications for the role as well as understanding of the organization.    

There shall be no limit on the number of years a member can be appointed to serve in one or more of the above ex-officio positions. Appointed positions will be reviewed by the board every 3 years.  

Rationale for changes to Section B:

The position of president has significant additional duties. We feel the board will be strengthened by having a president that is not also serving as a region representative. Furthermore, this allows for a president to serve for a 4 year term—3 years as active and 1 as past-president. We feel that there is a need for more consistency at the president. Currently the president can change yearly which makes it difficult to set and achieve long-term goals.

The position of secretary could be easily elected along with President & Vice President. It seemed unnecessary for this to be appointed.

The positions of treasurer and webmaster each require a specialized skill set that may or may not be present in the membership of NASSCED at a given time. In order to ensure the efficiency and accuracy in these areas, the board feels it is important to open these positions to those that may have the skill set, but do not necessarily serve as current State Executive Directors. In addition, we believe an application process and board selection is more appropriate than the appointment solely of the President. An application process allows an opportunity for the board to assess the skill set of the applicants. Ideal candidates would have a strong understanding of the mission and purpose of NASSCED in addition to the specialized skill set needed for these roles.

Section C: Members 

At regular or special meetings of the association, members shall have the opportunity to:

  1. Review decisions made by the Board of Directors; and
  2. Support, amend, revise or veto those decisions by a majority of those members present and voting.

Originally passed: March 12, 2016
Revision: September 2024

Regional State Officer Training

When funds are available and NASSCED votes to do so, funds may be requested for support of a training program hosted in a region for the state officers within that region.

The request for these funds must be made by February 1 by the NASSCED Board Member representing that Region.

Originally passed: June 1989
Revision: December 2019