
Meet our sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors, whose invaluable support empowers us to continue providing resources, professional learning, and the development of programs that benefit Student Councils across the nation. We are proud to partner with these organizations in our mission to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders!

The Fisher Agency is a specialized service originally formed in 1988 to help schools, districts, and educational associations find quality speakers for audiences of children, teenagers, educators, school administrators, and parents. Think of us as your one-stop station where knowledgeable and friendly guidance can be found.

  • We have thourougly studied speakers within the education market and can give objective opinions of them.
  • Our bureau representatives listen to your needs and budget guidelines, then recommend the best possible speakers for you to consider.
  • Further literature, demo videos, pricing and scheduling information is supplied upon request.
  • Since most speakers are frequently on the road, our service saves you time, phone calls and frustration.
  • All the necessary paperwork, down to the last detail, is monitored by our agency.

The “Amazing” Tei (pronounced “Tee”) Street has more than 25 years of experience in higher education, curriculum development; training in sexual assault prevention, violence prevention; diversity & inclusion, as well as advocacy, education and youth leadership development.

Tei is a national motivational speaker, trainer, and education consultant. Her love and passion for positively affecting the lives of all young people and the adults who influence their lives, comes through each time she steps on a stage…or gymnasium floor. Tei’s masterful us of humor, coupled with her gift for storytelling makes her a crowd favorite. Tei challenges her audiences to take the knowledge they gain to move from motion to action; walking in what make them “amazing!”

Work2BeWell (W2BW) is a mental health and wellness program focused on providing mental health resources and education for teens, parents, and educators. Our goal is to promote teen wellness across the country, and work to normalize the conversation about mental health and reduce the stigma that surrounds it.

Work2BeWell is committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all and welcomes participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in mental health conversations like minorities, persons with disabilities, and the LGBTQIA+ community.