Our members LEAD...

Our members LEAD...

The way by working with school administrators and student council advisors to discover and develop future leaders!

Our members EMPOWER...

Our members EMPOWER...

Students by providing and enhancing programs and opportunities that take their leadership to the next level!

Our members ELEVATE...

Our members ELEVATE...

Our own ability, professional knowledge and the resources that will transform the leadership of the students we serve!

2021-2022 Membership Open!

It’s that time of year – our new NASSCED Membership Year (2021-2022) has begun! The online registration form is now open; you can access it directly through this website under the “Who we Are…” menu tab. We are asking all members to please complete the form and renew their membership as soon as possible. We

Welcome to our newest SPONSOR!

NASSCED welcomes x2VOL as our newest Sponsor – x2VOL is the leading service hour tracking and reporting platform in K-12 education! As a GOLD Sponsor of NASSCED, you’ll find their logo (which links directly to their website at https://x2VOL.com) in the footer of each page of our NASSCED website. As we gain more sponsors; we’ll